News & Announcements

  • NYC Public School 2024-2025 School Year Calendar

    NYC Department of Education School Year Calendar 2024-2025
    This is the 2024–25 school year calendar for all 3K–12 NYCDOE public schools.

    Calendario del año escolar 2024-2025 del Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York
    Este es el calendario del año escolar 2024–25 para todas las escuelas públicas de 3K–12 del NYCDOE.

    P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier
  • P.S.102 Back to School Festival

    Hi PS102 Community,

    You and your Family are invited to attend PS 102's Back to School Festival on Thursday August 29th from 11am-3pm!!

    Bookbags and School Supplies will be Given while supplies last!

    We will have school supplies, music, games, food and FUN!!

    Hola comunidad PS102,

    ¡Usted y su familia están invitados a asistir al Festival de Regreso a Clases de PS 102 el jueves 29 de agosto de 11 am a 3 pm!

    ¡Se entregarán mochilas y útiles escolares hasta agotar existencias!

    ¡¡Tendremos útiles escolares, música, juegos, comida y DIVERSIÓN!!



    P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier
  • P.S.102 New School Banners and Doors

    Check out our new school banners and door decorations at P.S. 102!

    P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier
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Principal's Message

Dear P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier Educational Partners,

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to you as the new Principal of P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier Elementary School. I am excited to join this exemplary school community of dedicated, talented members committed to doing what is in the best interest of our scholars. As a community, we will continue to put scholars first and work diligently to ensure their success. I look forward to meeting with you to learn how we can best support our community together. I come to you with 17 years of hands-on educational experience with the Department of Education. Starting as a Teaching Fellow in Middle School, where I spent 13 years teaching math, Dean of Students, New Teacher Mentor, Mathematics Instructional Coach, and School Administrator. As an administrator and educator, I pride myself on supporting all community members both inside and outside the classroom. I am thrilled to utilize my skills as an educational leader at P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier Elementary School and work with you as a partner in education to ensure your success and our scholar’s success. On a personal note, I am a parent of three amazing children, one graduate from Millennium Brooklyn High School, and two currently attending  NYC Public Schools in Brooklyn, where I live with my husband. We are proud to be part of the NYC DOE School District, one that values high standards by providing rich learning experiences for all students, prioritizes community wellness, and engages families to be our true partners. I am excited about what we will accomplish together for our community and look forward to celebrating our collective success this school year. I look forward to meeting all of you.

In Collaboration,

Erica O'Connor,

Principal P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier

Welcome to P.S. 102 Jacques Cartier! 

Back to School Event 2023 - 2024 Thank you for joining us here at PS 102 Manhattan !

Dear Families, 

Thank you for joining us for this PS 102  Back to School Jam special event.  We were so excited that you were able to celebrate the ribbon cutting to commemorate our new school playground. Parental involvement is one of the key factors in the educational success for our children.  Our partnership with children and their families is very important to us. This Back to School Jam Event will be the first of many school events including parent workshops. Our goal is to keep connected with our parents and guardians throughout the year. We need and celebrate your continuous attendance and participation. 

Warm Regards,

The PS 102 Team.

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